2024 ART021 Hong Kong

Digital Ambassador Michael Lau debut the AR Programmes "WAN-er"

In a pioneering collaboration, ART021 HONG KONG commissions the acclaimed Hong Kong artist Michael Lau as the Digital Ambassador, to unveil a playful Augmented Reality (AR) programme WAN-er for the fair. This innovative showcase will make its debut across locations including Phillips Asia Headquarters, Fringe Club, and Victoria Park, offering a unique experience that invites art enthusiasts and the public to engage with art in an unprecedented manner.

Michael Lau explains the concept behind his work: "'Derived from the word ‘Play’ in Chinese, given my interest in the pictogram nature of Chinese characters, ‘WAN-er' conveys a rich and multi-layered meaning. It encompasses the acts of learning, research, and a process of engagement and understanding. 'WAN-er' also symbolises playfulness, appreciation, and toys, embodying a spirit of curiosity that continuously enriches our lives. Therefore, 'WAN-er' is not merely a character name, but a sincere invitation for all visitors to come and immerse themselves in the joyful moments of life for a while."

Known as the “Godfather of designer toys”, Lau’s unique artistic expression garnered global attention and brought him the opportunity to showcase his work around the world. Continuously pushing the boundaries of format and medium, Lau is recognised as the pioneer who spearheaded a global trend in the 1990s. The AR programme WAN-er will be a standout feature of ART021 HONG KONG, promising an unforgettable exploration of the convergence of art and technology. Visitors will have the opportunity to interact with Lau's creations in ways that transcend the limitations of traditional displays, fostering a deeper connection between the public and the arts community.


ART021 HONG KONG特邀備受讚譽的香港藝術家劉建文(Michael Lau)合作,作為數碼大使,以開創性的合作方式呈獻妙趣橫生的「WAN-er」(玩兒)AR擴增實境項目。這個首次亮相的應用程式將連貫富藝斯亞洲總部、藝穗會、維多利亞公園等多個地點,為藝術愛好者和公眾提供前所未有的藝術互動體驗,更可以讓公眾打卡互動。

劉建文(Michael Lau)分享道作品的理念:「『玩兒』的誕生源自於我對漢字的象形文字性質一直深感興趣,『玩』擁有豐富的含義,是學習、研究,是一個反覆接觸、體會的過程;『玩』也是玩耍、賞玩,是玩具,寓意以充滿好奇心的精神,不斷豐富我們的生活。因此,『玩兒』不僅是角色名字,更是一份誠摯的邀約,請你來玩一會兒。」

作為「潮玩教父」,劉建文以其獨特的藝術表達贏得全球關注,其作品在世界各地展出並收到廣泛喜愛。劉建文不斷突破形式和媒介的界限,被公認為90年代引領全球潮流的先鋒。此次的合作項目「WAN-er」作為ART021 HONG KONG一大特色,將為觀眾帶來一場難忘的藝術與科技融合的探索之旅。觀眾將有機會以超越傳統展示限制的方式與其創作互動,由此加深公眾與藝術社區之間的聯繫。